Hi! My name is Bart de Goede, and I write software for a living. I live in New York City and I'm a member of the technical staff at Perplexity AI, building the most powerful knowledge tool on the web. Before that, I led search engineering at OnFrontiers where I helped organizations understand the knowledge and expertise their employees accrue. Before that, I was a software engineer at Instacart on the growth team, a senior engineer at Scribd on the search team and then on the web foundations team, helping you find the things you want to read. And before that, I was an engineer on the search and data science team at Catawiki, helping you find your unique and special objects. For the complete professional bio, please refer to my LinkedIn profile or my resume.
Besides tinkering with software, I enjoy traveling, eating (nice) food, playing D&D or going for a drink with friends.
Most of the posts I write are about things related to tech and programming, or anything else I find interesting.
Find me on GitHub, LinkedIn or Twitter.
- Huurnink, B., Bronner, A., Bron, M., Van Gorp, J., de Goede, B. & van Wees, J. AVResearcher: Exploring Audiovisual Metadata. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2013), vol. 986, pages 1–2. [PDF]
De Goede, B., van Wees, J., & Marx, M. Politicalmashup ngramviewer. In Proceedings of the 13th Dutch-Belgian Workshop on Information Retrieval (April 2013), vol. 986, pages 54–55. Winner of the conference Best demonstrator award. [PDF]
- The ngramviewer is hosted by the Dutch Royal Library!
- Migut, M., van Wees, J., Bakker, D., de Goede, B., Steltenpohl, H., Oude Lenferink, N., & Worring, M.. VAST challenge 2012: Interactively finding anomalies in geo-temporal multivariate data. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, Seattle, WA, October 2012. [PDF]
- Goede, B. de, Schuth, A. & Rijke, M. de (2012). Sustainable Questions: Determining the Expiration Date of Answers. In SIGIR 2012 Workshop on Time-aware Information Access: #TAIA2012, Portland, OR, August 2012. [PDF]
- De Goede, B., Marx, M., Nusselder, A., & van Wees, J. (2011). Succinct summaries of narrative events using social networks. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, pages 299–304. [PDF]